Course curriculum

    1. 0-100: Building an Email List from Scratch

    2. Recommended platforms

About this course

  • Free
  • 2 lessons
  • 1 hour of video content

What You'll Learn

This hour webinar teaches you the basics of growing an email list of eager students

  • How to find your students

    Utilizing a strategy that consistently reaches students and pulls them onto your email list3 full

  • 3 full-proof methods for growing your list

    Whether you're growing an online or in-person community, these strategies will get them from social media or local events onto your email list.

  • Growing your list WITHOUT social media

    Social media can help grow your email list, but it's not the only way! In this webinar, additional strategies for email list growth are included.

Snag the training

Starting today, you're on your way to a growing, thriving email list